Renewable energy comes in many forms and therefore we cannot rely solely on solar power moving forward. Here at Innovative Renewables, LLC, we are interested in working with all aspects of renewable energy. At this time, however, we would like to focus on solar electric installs and see where the wind takes us...
Now that we're harnessing renewable energy, the other side of the energy 'equation' comes into play. How do we best use that energy and how do we conserve it? The answer is energy efficiency. Through energy audits, home owners and businesses will learn where they're using the most energy and how to reduce their usage. Whether it's tightening the seal to a home or building, updating to energy efficient appliances, or converting to LED light bulbs, there are many ways to reduce a building's carbon footprint. Many utilities throughout the country offer incentives for home owners and businesses to become more energy efficient. Again, just another aspect that Innovative Renewables, LLC hopes to offer in the near future...